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Activities for environment

The NJRC group has designated "strengthening environmental management" as one of the priority measures for management and are working to expand and enhance these activities since 2008.
Our objective of environmental management is to aim at "environmental conservation and improving corporate value". It is what is meant by not only contributing to environmental conservation but also offering environmental value to our stakeholders as well as customers thorough environmental activities, which lead to increasing corporate value.
Additionally, we acknowledge the importance of planning "new value creation" which is our group vision thorough environmental activities to enhance and promote business activities continuously.

To clarify the concrete implementation for realization of our vision, we set mid-term and by year activity plan and goal, and then undertake company-wide efforts and perform progress management. And we have organized these activities through the three approaches; products and services, production activities, and collaboration with stakeholders.
In this way, with the cooperation from stakeholders as well as the promotion of our group activities, we have been aiming to provide our corporate value to our society and children who will become the leaders of tomorrow.